What you see up there is our new company logo! Motivation behind our face lift is that our old (but still semi-cool) logo was hard to interpret in small size, like say in mobile phone screen.
We built in achievement system for ourselves inside the logo. That star you see there means that people have downloaded over 10 million copies of our games. All that is coming from Death Rally at the moment, but we are sure we will earn another star after the Oceanhorn is released, right? ;)

In fact, this is the game that was holding our attention this spring. It was a great project and we worked really hard on it. Design wise, we went through the whole package and designed balance and progression from scratch - there's no dead weight left from iOS game, everything is re-thought a PC gamer in mind. Game uses high-end graphic shaders, like reflections, normal maps and specular maps. I went through all the cars and weapons to make use of the extra tricks available. Sugarcoated with stunning new menus, re-drawn comics by comic artist Jarno Kantelinen and a new level to play (called Savo) Death Rally's PC version is a must have!
We're getting our fare share from the sales and we run our company with that money, so if you want to support us - go ahead and get the game on 3rd of August! :) - Thanks!